As your paper is accepted, you need to fill in the publication form and copyright form. In addition, you need to supply the above information:

The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. Your email is not part of your response.

* Indicates required question


1. Manuscript Code of ICECH 2024 (example: ICECH-001)

2. Title of your accepted paper*

3. Please, list the name, email address, phone number, academic title and degree, affiliation, and country of first author*

4. Please, list the name, email address, phone number, academic title and degree, affiliation, and country of second author

5. Please, list the name, email address, phone number, academic title and degree, affiliation, and country of third author

6. Please, list the name, email address, phone number, academic title and degree, affiliation, and country of fourth author

7. Please, list the name, email address, phone number, academic title and degree, affiliation, and country of fifth author and so on

8. Which option do you choose for publishing your accepted paper in the ICECH 2024 Proceedings?

o Full Manuscript

o Extended Abstract (Please note that if you choose to be considered for publication in the international journals, you should only publish Extended Abstract in the ICECH 2024 Proceedings)

If the paper is selected among high-quality papers presented at the conference, it will be considered for publication in one of the following journals:

- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (SSCI, Scopus Q1, Q2, IF = 3.979, UK)

- Journal of Risk Finance (ESCI, Scopus Q3, UK)

- Pacific Asia of the Association for Information Systems (ESCI)

- Global Finance Journal (SSCI, Q2, IF=2.853) Special Issue: Digital Finance for Technological Progress (GFJ)

- International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI, Q2, IF=3.399) (IREF)

- VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business

- Journal of Economic Studies (The University of Danang – University of Economics)

- Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) (Scopus; ESCI-WoS)

- Journal of Management and Business Review (JMBR)

- Journal of Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development (JVSD)

- Journal of International Economics and Management (JIEM)

- Hue University Journal of Science: Economics and Development

9. We expect all papers will be presented for sharing ideas, please list in detail who will present the paper (name, affiliation) and form of presentation (online or on site)*

10. How many authors will attend the conference on November 1, 2024 and November 2, 2024 in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam? (Example: two authors). List the names.*

The Organizer will arrange two-way shuttle bus (Hanoi - Thanh Hoa) and the schedule will be notified to authors 1 week prior to the conference date.

11. Are you willing to serve as a session chair?*

o Yes

o No

12. If you say “Yes” in the question 13, which disciplines do you want to serve as a session chair? *

o Data-driven Economics

o Strategic Management and Business Law

o Supply Chain, E-commerce and Marketing

o Sustainable Finance and Banking

o Innovation and Technology

o Accounting and Auditing

13. Do you need any support from us to be able to attend the conference? (e.g., documents, travel, accommodation). We will supply necessary information for you.

14. Do you require special dietary requirements?


Submission Fee: US$ 200

Best Paper Award: US$ 500

We look forward to receiving your abstract and/or full paper in response to the call, and happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties.

Note: The Conference Fee will not cover the accommodation expense. The authors should book and pay the accommodation expense themselves.

Please, find more information via the link:

15. Have you paid the conference fee?*

o Yes

o No

16. Please, scan the remittance receipt and upload it*

17. Do you need an invoice from us?

o Yes

o No

18. Please indicate your preferred language of the invoice?

o Vietnamese only

o English only

o Both Vietnamese and English


Conference Organizing Committee - ICECH 2024

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